It is when u jump in the air and serve the ball over the net! both feet have to come all the way off the ground
every freakin muscle in your body! esspecially if you jump serve
Rotation - when the player rotate to serve.
there are three basic skills involved: bumping (passing) setting and hitting (spiking) to be a good volleyball player you should be at least somewhat familiar with all three
You put your hands up and jump up so the ball cant come over the net
Volley, volley-ball
Your muscles help perform a volley ball serve or skill by transferring your muscles' energies from your body into the ball, causing it to fly to the other side. It involves mostly hand, arm, and back muscles.
From outside the volleyball field markings parallel to the volleyball net on your own side.
well volleying is were you hit the ball back and forth to see who is going to have the ball to serve first. - that's why they say volley for serve. So that advantage of that would be having the first opportunity to be able to gain a point on your opponent. If you are not the serving team you do not gain a point. You only have the chance to then serve the ball yourself.
no you might just want to drop it so you can hit it up and it is called an underhand serve
volley ball in quebec
This is called a jump serve.