the stx amp is the worst lacrosse shaft
ya it should fit fine cuz i have the brine answer for a head and a warrior hero composite for a shaft. it works fine but im getn the brine swizzle shaft soon so ya
STX AL6000 Attack Lacrosse Shaft price: $14.95
The maverick phoenix is the better shaft it has the hights strength to weight ratio and has an amazing grip
The shaft in lacrosse is the stick part. The butt is the rubber stopper on the end of the stick. The head is the plastic part which has the pocket. The shaft is the part of the stick where you hold it.
You can use a hack saw to trim a lacrosse stick
Well maybe. Defense:no Attack:yes Middie:I wouldn't recommend it,
no u cannot the ref will yell at u
no you cant
the shaft itself is 60" long. With a head attached it is 6ft.