Wrap tape around the top of the shaft to however much more thicker you need. The best tape to use is electrical.
You can use a hack saw to trim a lacrosse stick
composite means the use of different materials. a lacrosse shaft can be a composite of many materials such wood and carbon fiber.
no u cannot the ref will yell at u
Well maybe. Defense:no Attack:yes Middie:I wouldn't recommend it,
The crankshaft is a light weighted lacrosse shaft typically used for quicker shots.
no, just use muscle !
For a traditional pocket, they have no use in a mesh pocket unless it is an open sidewall goalie stick.
Monster Mesh and Hard Mesh. Do not use soft mesh cause it can rip easily.
If by "What are the lacrosse sizes?" you mean what the different lengths of lacrosse shafts are I can help you. There are three basic lengths of shafts, A 60" shaft for defensive players or long stick midis. There is a 30" shaft for midis and attack men. There is also a 40" shaft for goalies. However, all goalies don't the 40" shaft some (including me) use a 30" shaft (it's mostly a preference thing.)
He uses a STX Proton and a STX Sabre shaft.