A SET is when the setter, the person who usually takes the second ball, takes the ball with his/her hands and directs it to a hitter to try and put the ball down on the other side of the net.
A set is also three games. Whoever wins 2 games first win that set and moves ahead in the tournament.
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To set a volleyball the setter's hands are relaxed and placed right above the forehead, almost like antlers. When the ball contacts the hands push out and up. Use your legs for more power by bending and straightening them when you straighten your arms.
Setting is one of the most critical things to learn in volleyball.
First put your right foot in front to influence the ball away from the net.
Second make a "window" with your hands by touching your index finger and thumb together. (make sure your thumbs are lined up)
Bend your knees
While making contact with the ball rock your wrists in and then out, do not move your arms
Only touch the ball with your fingertips (you can be called for a lift if the ball touches your palm at all)
Follow through by reaching your hands out following where the ball went. Make sure your thumbs follow the ball.
You may want to watch a video about how this is done.
Setting takes a lot of practice. It's not just going to come to you.
For setting in volleyball, keep your hands in the position of holding a ball, only lowered to your waist. While waiting for the ball, keep your right food forward, even if you are a left handed setter. This will keep the ball most occasions from going into or over the net if unintended to. When the ball is heading towards you, set your feet shoulder-length apart directly in line with the rest of your body. Raise your hands in the shape of the ball, and gently let the ball sink lightly into your hands. Remember to contact the ball with both hands at a time, and lift a little with your legs instead of pushing it solely with your hands. Then, to send the ball straight forward, your end position should be with your hands straight out (like Superman).
dont lift cuz youll be fouled.let it hit your fingertips and kinda push without grabbing.