yes, me being a travel volleyball player would know this. you can, but if you shake the net, then they might call you on this. hope i was help!
no. I've been playing for a while now. It's pretty easy as long as you keep it basic.
While playing volleyball, my goal was to improve my setting skills, however losing weight was an inadvertant result as well.
Kerri walsh is a beach volleyball player so she doesn't have the typical numbers, she is number 1 while her partner is number 2.
You should be a little clearer. Volleyball has lasted for a while though.
The pink guitar that Korey Cooper was playing while touring with Three Days Grace was a PRS.
Well you need to keep the ball in the court at all times and never carrying the ball around while playing the game.
51/15 You're looking at 3.4 calories per minute
The captain's duties is to make sure the team does have any jewelry on while playing and there should be at least one captain on the court at times.
Vball- 6 players Bball- 5 players Vball- you serve it Bball- you throw it
Mini volleyball uses a smaller court, lower net, and lighter ball, making it beginner-friendly, while regular volleyball is played on a full-sized court with standard equipment for more competitive play.
I certainly wouldn't recommend it. If you must do it, do it during the off season so it has a chance to fully heal up before training or playing to reduce infection possibilties. And certainly do not wear any jewelry while playing!