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Q: What fraction of the baseball game is over when the fans take a traditional stretch?
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Related questions

In baseball when do the fans do the traditional stretch?

The 7th inning.

Name a reason why baseball fans stand up during the game?

Homerun, national anthem, do the wave, catch a fly ball, to see better, 7th inning stretch

What makes modern ceiling fans appear different from traditional ceiling fans?

Traditional ceiling fans often served as a lamp as well as a ceiling fan. Modern ceiling fans often focus on their function as a fan and are smaller in size.

What was the most fans at a baseball game?

53,000 fans

Which baseball team has the best fans?

The Yankees have the best fans!

What baseball traditions did William Howard Taft start?

On April 14, 1910, President William Howard Taft began the tradition of the President throwing the first pitch at the baseball season opener. Legend has it that President Taft was also responsible for baseball's seventh inning stretch. While attending a baseball game, President Taft rose to stretch between halves of the seventh inning. The crowd (ever polite, as baseball fans are) rose in unison out of respect for the President. The tradition continues to this day.

What is the compound subject in the following sentence The game both entertained and excited the baseball fans?

game and baseball fans

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What do they give away at baseball games to fans?

They give T-shirts, water bottles, and caps away to baseball fans

What are some dances you can learn which incorporate Chinese fans?

There are many dances both modern and traditional that can incorporate Chinese fans. Quite often hip hop incorporates Chinese fans in some of the dance routines. However, more traditional Chinese dancing has the fan incorporated.

Who are the best fans in baseball?


How early do baseball players arrive at the stadium before a game?

Athletes make sure that they have good nutrition and stay hydrated. Their head is always in the game. On game they stretch, do drills, and warm up.