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They play more or less in a midfield position. This means that they help the strikers to score and help the defenders to defend.

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Q: What does the right inner do in field hockey?
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What is an inner in field hockey?

When you score a goal and it goes inner the net! :P JK

Is an inner the same as a forward in field hockey?

yes they are the same

What country was field hockey invented in?

Click on the link to your right for the history of field hockey.

What are the posistions in field hockey?

There are a number of different combinations of positions typically, it depends on the strengths of the team. Normally: Defence: Right Back, Left Back & Goalie Mid-field: Right Half, Left Half, Centre Half Forwards: Left Inner, Right Inner Strikers: Left Wing, Right Wing & Centre Forward

What postions are in hockey?

centre forward, left wing, right wing, right inner, left inner, centre half, left half, right half, left back/defender, right back/defender and goal keeper

Do field hockey players only shoot right?

Not always you mainly try to keep it right or wide

Which is easier lacrosse or field hockey?

field hockey

Is field hockey a hard sport to play?

Person 1 Field hockey is just as hard as any sport, it all depends on the amount of dedication you put into it. Person 2 I've played some field hockey and a lot of ice hockey, and I found field hockey much harder. For one thing, it is unfair to those of us who are left shots. Because of the types of sticks in field hockey, we all had to shoot right. Also, a ball on grass is much harder to handle than a puck on ice. I didn't enjoy playing field hockey at all.

Should I play field hockey or soccer?

field hockey

What is turf hockey?

Turf hockey is field hockey.

What does 'not dead' mean in field hockey?

It means nothing in field hockey.

What is a slide in field hockey?

To my knowledge, there is no such thing as a slide in field hockey.