If you are looking at the jersey it is on the upper right hand side, if you are wearing the jersey it will be on the upper left hand side. This is true for every NHL team with the exception of the Detroit Red Wings, where the "C" is in the upper left hand side if you are looking at it, and the upper right hand side if you are wearing it.
Captain's jersey - The letter C on a hockey player's jersey identifies the player as being the team Captain.
The captain
The 'C' stands for "Captain" or the leader of the team. The 'A' stands for "Alternate", meaning the alternative captain of the team.
C stands for Captain. C can be found on any captain's jersey on any team in the NBA.
if you mean on the jersey it stands for "captain"
E C H LThe E stands for East and the C stands for Coast.ECHL is the East Coast Hockey League.
The distinctive C-wrapped-around-H logo stands for "Club de Hockey Canadien."
As you know C on a jersey stands for Captain an A on the jersey stands for an Alternate Captain.So if the captain isn't present the alternate takes over in that field in a way.
Alternate captain. Hockey players with a "C" (captain) or an "A" are the only players that are supposed to communicate with referee's on the ice.
ive never seen a hockey jersey with the letter D on it but I'm guesssing it means defenseman.the only letters you ever see consistently on hockey jerseys is C for Captain and A for Assistant Captain
Serie C - ice hockey - was created in 2004.
D is regular, R is wider than D, C is narrow, E is wide and EE is widest.