The distinctive C-wrapped-around-H logo stands for "Club de Hockey Canadien."
The early French settlers, or inhabitants, of Quebec were referred to in French as Habitants. In the early years of the Canadiens the letter "H" inside the big "C" on their jerseys was often mistakenly taken by many to mean "Habitants" as a salute to the first French Canadian settlers. Therefore, the Canadiens were often referred to, and still are, as Habitants or simply "the Habs". The "C" and "H" on the sweaters simply mean Canadiens Hockey Club.
Originally it stands for "Club de Hockey Canadien". But in 1924 the owner of the Canadians told a reporter in NewYork it stands for "Habitans", a name which the first french settlers had. So the nickname "Habs" was born.
Club Athletic Canadien (CAC)(Logo was an ''A'' in a C) was the former name and become Club de Hockey Canadien in 1917 (CHC)(''H'' in a C).
The H in H-Bomb stands for Hydrogen.
H = Habitants (their first name) and C = Canadiens (Canadians in French)
The correct spelling is Montreal Canadiens, and the symbols are CH. The H stands for 'Hockey', as in 'Club de hockey Canadien', the official name of the team.
The early French settlers, or inhabitants, of Quebec were referred to in French as Habitants. In the early years of the Canadiens the letter "H" inside the big "C" on their jerseys was often mistakenly taken by many to mean "Habitants" as a salute to the first French Canadian settlers. Therefore, the Canadiens were often referred to, and still are, as Habitants or simply "the Habs". The "C" and "H" on the sweaters simply mean Canadiens Hockey Club.
Originally it stands for "Club de Hockey Canadien". But in 1924 the owner of the Canadians told a reporter in NewYork it stands for "Habitans", a name which the first french settlers had. So the nickname "Habs" was born.
Club Athletic Canadien (CAC)(Logo was an ''A'' in a C) was the former name and become Club de Hockey Canadien in 1917 (CHC)(''H'' in a C).
The H on the Montreal (Habs) Canadiens jersey stands for 'hockey' as the team's full name is Le Club de Hockey Canadien. The H does not stand for Les Habitants or Habs which is a nickname given to the team in the 1950's.
Logo One of sports' oldest and most recognizable logos, the classic 'C' and 'H' of the Montreal Canadiens was first used together in the 1917-18 season before evolving to its current form in 1952-53. The 'H' does not stand for 'Habs' or Habitants; this misconception stems from an error by an English language newspaper reporter in the 1950s. It actually stands for 'Hockey', as in 'Club de Hockey Canadien', the official name of the team. According to, the first man to refer to the team as "the Habs" was American Tex Rickard, owner of Madison Square Garden, in 1924. Rickard apparently told a reporter that the "H" on the Canadiens' sweaters was for "Habitants."
The original settlers in Quebec were sometimes referred to as inhabitants. This became shortened to habitants. The original Montreal Canadian jerseys contained a large letter C with a small letter h within the C . People made the mistake of thinking the H meant habitants. The term Habs is derived from this. In actuality the CH stood for Canadiens Hockey Club.
In shorthand, "X C H" could stand for "exchange."
Habs is an abbreviation of "les habitants," the informal name given to the original settlers of New France, dating back to the 17th Century. So it's a natural fit for the The Montreal Canadiens, established in 1909 and marketed as a French-Canadian hockey team. Having said that, the nickname might have been the result of an error. According to, the first man to refer to the team as "the Habs" was Tex Rickard, owner of Madison Square Garden, in 1924. Rickard apparently told a reporter that the "H" on the Canadiens' sweaters was for "Habitants." Not true. The distinctive C-wrapped-around-H logo stands for "Club de Hockey Canadien."
Sometimes people refer to the canadians as the "Habs." According to stories, this nickman dates back to 1924. Tex Rickards, who owend Madison Square Gardens in New York, was told that the "H" on the Canadiens sweater stood for habitant, a French word that was once used to describe the farmers of Quebec. Really, though, the "H" stands for "hockey." the Montreal Canadiens official name is "le Club de Hockey Canadien."
2 hands of a clock.