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Grounding the ball occurs when the attacking player places the ball down on the opposing sides try line or in goal area to score a try. The ball must be "grounded" in a controlled manner with the hand for the score to stand

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Q: What does grounding the ball mean in rugby?
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How do you play rugby sport?

basically - a team will carry the rugby ball, passing backwards or kicking the ball forward to reach the opposing teams goal line. The ball will then require grounding by placing the hand of the attacking player on the ball as it touches or goes over the in goal area.

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Ball. Polo lakapi - Rugby ball.

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Whilst the term "spots the ball" does not appear in the phraseology of rugby I'm assuming that you mean a Scrumhalf

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Possession means to have the ball.

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A rugby ball

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Its a rugby ball

What is the ball you play rugby with called?

Its called "A Rugby Ball" simple as that - There are different manufactures of these balls but they are all a rugby ball

What is the rugby ball called?

A Rugby Ball. there are no other names for it

How was the rugby ball originally made?

how was the rugby ball originally made

When was the rugby ball inveted?

Richard Lindon, a leatherworker in Rugby, England, designed the rugby ball in the 1840s.

What is rugby played with?

A rugby ball

What is the name of the rugby ball?

You use a rugby ball to play rugby. It is shaped like an egg.