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It means go back to your half of the field and defend your side and help out your defenders

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Q: What does drop mean in soccer?
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How do you soccer in Japanese?

If you mean "How do you SAY soccer in Japanese?", then the answer is "sakkā".

What does 'PTS' mean in soccer statistics?

past the soccer ball

What is the french word for drop?

baisse if you mean (rain) drop. Tomber if you mean to drop (something)

Where in England was soccer played?

soccer? don't you mean football? soccer isn't played in the UK

What Apps mean in soccer?

it mean help

What does soccer really mean?

Soccer is football in U.S.A and Football in England..........

How is soccer in Europe played?

what is soccer, do you mean football. thats the probem.

What does the Netherlands soccer jersey mean?

Netherland is Holland, Netherland soccer jersey is Holland national soccer jersey

What does coursing mean in soccer?

doesn't mean anything

What is uses of soccer?

I think you mean 'what is the use of soccer' and I would say... fitness :)