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what is soccer, do you mean football. thats the probem.

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Q: How is soccer in Europe played?
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What is the conclussion between US soccer and Europe soccer?

Soccer in Europe is generally thought to be played at a quicker pace than US soccer

When did soccer begin to be played in Europe?


What sports are played in Europe and Russia?

Soccer and Chess.

Is soccer more played in US?

It is played more than it was in the past. I doubt it is played as much as in Europe.

What is a famous sport played in Europe?

rugby, lacrosse, cricket, and soccer

What was the date of the first soccer game played at?

Type your answer here... in 1865 at europe

What is the most played sport in Europe?

i would have to say soccer is most frequent

How long has soccer been played by people in France?

NEVER, soccer does not exist in Europe it's called football here.

Where is soccer the most commonly played sport?

Soccer is commonly played in Europe and South America. Some countries are Mexico, Honduras, Spain, Brazil, Spain, and Italy.

How come Pele never played soccer in Europe?

Pele retired after over 20 years of playing soccer, due to age.

Was soccer originated in Europe?

Football/ Soccer was invented in England, which is part of Europe.

Name of the countries who played football in Europe?

Association Football, commonly known as soccer or just football, is played throughout Europe, in all of its countries. See the related question below.