Check in is to check your self in ball wise while statistically speaking yes or no in the fact that checking out is the self in ball wise of unstatistically speaking. So they are different from each other, yet check in and check out is checking but different ways of soccer in the field.
What do you mean by "Who likes play soccer?"
If you mean "How do you SAY soccer in Japanese?", then the answer is "sakkā".
past the soccer ball
soccer? don't you mean football? soccer isn't played in the UK
it mean help
Soccer is football in U.S.A and Football in England..........
what is soccer, do you mean football. thats the probem.
Netherland is Holland, Netherland soccer jersey is Holland national soccer jersey
doesn't mean anything
I think you mean 'what is the use of soccer' and I would say... fitness :)
The abbreviation "LM" in soccer refers to the Left Midfielder.
i mean soccer ball