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The maximum speed in which a softball can come off the bat at in mph. (The bat's composition or structure is designed to limit the speed of the ball off the bat to 120mph)

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Q: What does 120 mean on a slowpitch softball bat?
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What is a Slowpitch Softball Bat?

You may be wondering what the difference is among a slowpitch softball bat, a fastpitch softball bat and a regular baseball bat. The difference is in the technology of designing the bat. The length, weight and barrel diameter, among other features, are the main differences. Manufacturers have determined the size and weight that are optimal for hitting a slowpitch softball versus fastpitch, and have designed them accordingly.softballpickles .com

Is a vritcal crack bad for a slowpitch softball bat?

YES, YES, YES, YES, YES, YES, YES. You can bust your bat that way!!!!

Can a fast pitch softball bat be damaged if used for slowpitch softball?

Yes, a slowpich ball is heavier. That is why a slowpitch ball makes an arch and drop straight to the ground. since fastpitch balls come in faster the bats are lighter and made to swing faster.............any other questions go to

What is the difference between slow pitch softball and regular softball?

Slowpitch Softball is played using a high-arc pitching technique where the ball slowly falls into the strike-zone. Slowpitch speeds range from 25mph-35mph. Fastpitch Softball a windmill pitching technique is used that increases that speed of the pitch significantly and allows the pitcher to throw different kinds of pitches like drop, rise, curve, screw, and change. Fastpitch speed range from usually 50mph-65mph. The rules are basically the same, minus some variations in batting. In slow pitch if you foul off the third strike you are out. In fastpitch the strike is not called until you swing with no contact with the ball. Both require different equipment. EX:A fastpitch bat is different from a slowpitch bat. Slow Pitch...the coach pitches it and fast of the teammates pitches it! :)

Why would you need a softball bat in combat?

You would need a softball bat in combat if there is no other weapon available. A softball bat is useful in combat because of the length of the bat and the hardness of the bat.

Is rolling and shaving a softball bat legal?

If you are going to compete in an organized sporting event, then it is not legal. If you are going to roll your bat, make sure you keep it for your personal home use. See the related link below for the clarifications from the Armature Softball Association of America. Every Sanction of baseball, fastpitch, little league and slopitch softball has an "alteration" or "modification rule except for the ISA in slowpitch soft ball they cleary state it is illegal. Try I've had great luck with them

What is the difference from a baseball bat and a softball bat?

I guess they are more heavier than softball bats

Is it safe to hit a softball with a baseball bat?

completely! a softball is less hard than a baseball but a baseball bat will not harm the softball in any way

How do you hit a softball?

With a bat

What is an ab in softball?

at bat

Is bat speed or bat weight more important in sixteen inch softball?

its the weight of the bat the heavier the bat the further the ball will go the same in fast pitch softball

Can a softball damage a baseball bat?

Softball bats are designed to hit softballs. Hitting a baseball with a softball bat may damage the bat. Either hit a softball or get a baseball bat if you do not want to risk damaging your bat.