Slowpitch Softball is played using a high-arc pitching technique where the ball slowly falls into the strike-zone. Slowpitch speeds range from 25mph-35mph.
Fastpitch Softball a windmill pitching technique is used that increases that speed of the pitch significantly and allows the pitcher to throw different kinds of pitches like drop, rise, curve, screw, and change. Fastpitch speed range from usually 50mph-65mph.
The rules are basically the same, minus some variations in batting. In slow pitch if you foul off the third strike you are out. In fastpitch the strike is not called until you swing with no contact with the ball.
Both require different equipment. EX:A fastpitch bat is different from a slowpitch bat.
Slow Pitch...the coach pitches it and fast of the teammates pitches it! :)
Baseball is a over-handed pitch. Softball is a under-handed pitch
Well, apples=D
In softball, the ball is bigger. Baseball pitchers pitch the ball overhand while softball pitchers pitch underhand. Baseball is more of a boys sport and softball is generally more for girls.
A softball pitch is a lot harder to master than a baseball pitch because the motion is so different than regular throwing. However, once the pitcher has the motion down, the softball pitch is much easier on the body than a baseball pitch. This is because the softball pitch is a lot smoother than the violent baseball pitch. It cause a lot less shoulder injuries than a baseball pitch.
No it is not. The only difference between softball and baseball. Is that there is a different ball for each sport.
60 feet
you can break a slow pitching by using the bat in a regular or fast pitching softball game.
60 ft
60 feet
Draw a softball pitch and label the following features.
Because a softball is heavier then a baseball.
An underarm throw in softball is basically a pitch. If you watch a fast pitch softball team, you will see that the pitcher pitches underhand.