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It is the users preference as what to wear under protective equipment.

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Q: What do you wear under your hockey pads?
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Related questions

What kind of padding do ice hockey officials wear?

they wear pads, knee pads, a helmet, and a batman suit under all of this.

Can you wear hockey elbow pads for lacrosse?

yes you can wear hockey elbow pads for lacrosse

Why do the players wear helmets and knee pads?

in ice hockey you will need a helmet neck guard chest protecter/shoulder pads elbow pads, jack(M) or jill(F) hockey pants, hockey socks, shin pads and good skates.

How do Ice Hockey goalies wear their teams socks under their leg pads. do i need to buy a different jock like the players have or is their a different method?

Ice Hockey Goalies do not always wear their team socks under their pads (Practices usually just sweatpants) although for games they mainly do. If you are going to play Ice Hockey, you most definitely need to buy a Goalie Jock. They are padded and usually have thicker plastic for the "jock" part.

What protective gear do players wear during a game in Ice Hockey?

they wear knee and elbow pads , helmet's ,shoulder blades

What do Ice hockey players wear apart from pads and helmets?

Gloves, stick, hockey skates, ordinary underwear, a neck/throat guard, hockey trousers, team sweater

What is the difference between ice hockey pants and girdles?

Basically the same thing, but hockey pants have the pads inside of them when the girdle is skin tight and is just the pads. Girdles normally go under the long pants that some skaters wear when they play roller hockey. Overall pretty similar and both used to protect your high thigh area's.

Did hockey goalkeepers use to wear protection?

Yes, they used to use old cricket pads and later helmets.

In lacrosse do you wear shoulder pads over or under youre shirt in practice?

Over. I usually wear an Under Armour or other tight-fitting shirt and my pads over those.

What sports wears the most padding?

My guess would be Ice Hockey. Given that American football players wear shoulder and leg pads as well as a helmet; ice hockey players are required to wear a helmet, shoulder pads, padded pants, elbow pads, and shin/knee pads. Don't forget the padded skates, gloves, and mouthguards!

Is Cody Rhodes the only WWE wrestler not to wear pads?

I believe his brother Goldust also does not wear knee pads under his body suit.

Which protective pads are important to use in high impact sports like hockey?

a helmet, shoulder pads, elbow pads, hockey gloves, shin pads, and a gurdle