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In rugbt a ref is someone who runs around with the players and makes sure the rules are being kept. They wear a different colour strip and have a whistle. If the ball goes out or someone does something wrong they are the ones to say so. They give out any yellow or red cards.

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12y ago

Referee, Assistant Referees (2) TMO - Television Match Official. You may also see a Citing official their role to to make judgements on aspects of foul play which may not always bee seen by the match official but can be reported post match

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14y ago

- The referee on the sides are called "Touch judges"

- The referee who makes a unknown choice, which he has to call try or no try is called "video ref"

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11y ago

If you listen to the crowd they have a range of names for the referee and other match officials. However, the ref is the referee and as a group they are refereed to as the match officials.

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9y ago

They are called Rugby referees. They are assisted by 2 Assistant referees and a Television Match official (TMO)

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11y ago

to maintain the rules of the game are folloed. to instill sanctions wherer foul play is encountered and to maintain as far as is practical the free flow of the game

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10y ago

Males call their referee SIR and females call their referee MAM. It considered respectful in both cases.

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Does a rugby union video referee need any qualifications?

Yes, a rugby union video referee is a qualified Rugby Union Referee.

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Ian Rogers - rugby referee - was born in 1957.

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Technically No. The role of any referee in either code rugby code remains that same. However, rules are different of course

What rugby officials?

Rugby officials referee the game of Rugby. There is one main referee, and two assistant referees (Touch judges). Some famous referees are Nigel Owens, Wayne Barnes and Alan Lewis

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You call a baseball referee an Umpire

What about the Time out in rugby?

This does not occur in either rugby code. No team or player may call a time out. The time is only stopped by the referee by calling "time off". This is usually implemented when there is an injury or a foul play situation and/or the referee needs to talk to an offender and or the captain(s). other than these points the ref will time off for a substitution

How old do you have to be to referee a rugby league game?

18 years old

What do women rugby players call the referee?

REF - Referee or Marm (said MAM) or Madam. It is a pleasant situation that in Rugby in both codes the referee is highly respected and in the past before female referees and officials were involved everyone playing the games referred to the referee as "sir". They still do today (now that's a note of respect ) This is why females are referred to as Madam etc.

What are the functions of the linesmen in rugby?

They help the referee with offside decisions and signal a number of things, such as throw-ins and substitutions.

Is the referee's call final?

Yes, in football, the referee has the authority to make the final call.

Who was the referee in the rugby game final in 1920 Olympics?

Gottfried Dienst (Switzerland)

When can the referee end a rugby match?

At 80 minutes or earlier under adverse circumstances.