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Australian football is Australia's national sport, invented in the 1850's in Melbourne.

It is played by two teams of 18 players on the field and (in the National competition the AFL) 3 interchange players and 1 substitute.

The game is played on an oval shaped field of varying sized but is approximately 170m long and 150m wide.

There are 4 posts at each end of the field, two 'goal' posts, which are 15m high and 6.4m apart and two 'behind' posts on the outside of the goal posts.

The object of the game is to score a 'goal' by kicking the oval shaped ball between the goal posts. This awards the team 6 points. Hitting the goal post with a kick or kicking between the goal post and behind post awards the team 1 point. An Australian football score would look like 15.7.97 which equates to 15 goals (total 90 points) and 7 'behinds' (total 7 points) for a total of 97 points. The winning team is the team with the most number of points in total.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Football, Footy, Australian Rules Football, Aussie Rules, Aerial Ping Pong.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Generally people just call it Soccer but some people who actually play, coach or watch a high level of Soccer/Football will call it Football.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

To distinguish the game from various other games (codes) of football played in Australia, American Football is mainly referred to as gridiron.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Rugby League in Australia is called Rugby League, and it is an competition called the NRL (National Rugby League) which teams are based in Australia and one in New Zealand

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What do other countries call soccer?

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Australia has soccer as a sport. There is no other sport similar to soccer. The various codes of football played in Australia are nothing like soccer.

How popular is soccer in Australia?

There are about 389,000 registered soccer players in Australia.

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How many people in Australia play soccer?

There are an estimated ten million people who play soccer in Australia. Soccer is considered one of the most popular sports in Australia.

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Do they really call soccer football in Sweden?

Only Americans call! (everywhere else it is known as football)

Whos the best soccer player on Australia?

The best soccer player on Australia is Tim Cahill.The answer may change if years go by.

If you play indoor soccer in Australia can you still get into a professional soccer league?

yes you can.

Is the US the only country that calls soccer soccer?

No... in Canada and Australia as well.

What is famous food and sports in Australia?

One popular sport in Australia is soccer