Equipment would have consisted of a stick - in much the same design as some older sticks, with the traditional wide curve - and a ball; no goalkeepers, shinguards, mouthguards or safety masks back then.
Field hockey and underwater hockey are the closest.
j'taime joue field hockey
You can't size your equipment, hockey players have different preferences. Some like there equipment smaller for better movement or bigger for more protection.
100 yards like a football field
yes in a way it is, but a field hockey field has a "dome shape" around the goal. and a soccer field's is more like a rectangle.
la crosse
lacrosse, field hockey, shinty(which is a scottish-irish sport which is like a mixture of rugby and hockey!)
It came from India and developed slower in today's modern day hockey, as for sport like ice hockey and other types of hockey's came from Canada.
There are 2 winter hockey (field hockey) wich most people play and there is summer hockey but in Perth I would recommend don't play in the summer you will be like a sizzling sausage
Yes, they can.
Soccer, field hockey, stuff like that...