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The whole of the skeletal frame is used in the game. The joints in arms legs and back are the most stressed.

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no bones are used- only muscles

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your fist and hand

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Q: What bones do you use when serving underhand in volleyball?
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What is the most popular serve technique in volleyball?

Most people use the overhand serving method. Usually, beginner use underhand serving.

What does underhand and overhand mean in volleyball?

Underhand is where your hit the ball by reaching forward underneath it. Overhand is where you hit the ball above your head. Which one you use would have to depend on where you are relative to the ball. If it is above your head, you will have to use overhand (maybe you will have to jump), while if the ball is going to hit the ground in front of you, you will have to use the underhand hit (and you may have to dive for it).

Can you use feet in volleyball?

You may use any part of your body in volleyball, except when your serving. And remember: NO CARRYING!

What are serves called in volleyball?

There are two types of serves in volleyball: Overhand and Underhand.Overhand: The overhand serve is just as it sounds, you throw the ball up in the air and then you hit it hard to make it over to the other side. This serve is for more experienced players, because it takes a little bit to get the hang of it. You also need plenty of arm muscle to make it over.Underhand: Underhand serving is when you hold the volleyball in your left or right hand (it depends on what your prominent hand is, if you're left handed you use hold the volleyball in your right hand, if right handed you use your left) then you swing it with your prominent hand.Those are the two basically popular serves in volleyball, but it also depends on what serve you prefer.

How can we use underhand in a sentence?

She finished knitting the scarf by using an underhand technique to create a neat and even row of stitches.

How do you use the word underhand in a sentence?


What equipment does a line judge in volleyball use?

They only use a little flag. They just use hand signals to show that it was out, in, or the server stepped over the line when serving!

How far back is the serving line for middle school on an indoor volleyball court?

You use the same service line as any other age. It never changes officially.

What muscles are used for serving in volleyball?

You're not supposed to use your arms. You use your legs to pass a ball.

What is the for the sports volleyball was made for?

what year is volleyball made what do they use what is they history

Is it legal for a basketball player to shoot free throws underhand?

it is good to use underhand layups than overhand because in overhand layups the momentum of ur body is added to ur realese so when u release the ball at a gud speed the ball often bounce of the backboard............. but underhand layups require more strength and a good height to execute it................................learn underhand layups and execute it in the game and have fun.................................

How does volleyball compare in participation to soccer?

you use your hands in volleyball and in soccer you use ur feet and u play on a cort in volleyball and in soccer u play on a feild