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three strikes and fielder or outfielder catches ball without dropping it.

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Q: What are two ways that the batter can be out in baseball?
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What is a full play in baseball?

There is no such phrase in baseball as "full play." The closest I can think of would be a "Triple Play" where two runners are on and the batter hits the ball and both runners and the batter are put out on the same play.

How do you use bunting in a sentence?

The batter was bunting the Baseball.

In baseball what happens to a batter who with two strikes atempts to bunt and fouls the ball?

In MLB, according to Rule 6.05(d) the batter is called out. The play is scored as a strikeout.

Little league ball is hit and bounces back toward batter it hits batters helmet and goes out of bounds Is the batter out?

If the baseball hit the ground in foul territory, the ball is a foul ball. If the baseball hit the ground in fair territory, and the batter/runner is still in the batter's box when the baseball hits him, it is a foul ball. If the baseball hit the ground in fair territory and the batter/runner is out of the batter's box when the baseball hits him, the batter/runner is out and the ball is dead.

A baseball bat is a machine. When a batter swings and hits a ball the batter swinging is the?

The batter swinging the bat.

What is two ways that people use aluminum?

1)aluminum foil 2)baseball bats

Where is Bret batter in poptropica?

Bret Batter is a contestant on Reality TV Island. He is a baseball player. He likes to say stuff about baseball.

What is a batters box in softball?

It is two 7 feet by 3 feet boxes (one on each side of home plate) that the batter must stand in to attempt to hit a pitched ball.

What do baseball teams and birthday cakes have in common?

batter (cake batter and baseball batters)

In baseball if there are two outs and a runner on third and the batter hits a ground ball and is thrown out at first does a run score if the runner got home before the batter was thrown out?

nope, as long as you get the out no runs count.

What is the person who is trying to hit the ball called?

The batter is the one who bats using a baseball bat at a baseball game on a baseball team in a baseball field during baseball season while wearing his baseball uniform. 0_o

Name some characteristics of a baseball?

There are many characteristics in baseball. The main characteristics are pitching the ball to the batter and then the batter running after hitting the ball.