It is two 7 feet by 3 feet boxes (one on each side of home plate) that the batter must stand in to attempt to hit a pitched ball.
4 feet
The ball should never hit in the batter's box in any softball game. The coach may want to remove that pitcher if he or she continues to pitch like that.
batters faced
For fast pitch softball, international play and NCAA is bottom of the shoulders to lower portion of the knees. And the width of the plate. NOTE: Due to size of the ball the strike zone in softball can seem wider than MLB, but it's similar. Also the rules of the batters box differ between softball and baseball.
3 must be out
3 must be out
pitch tendencies according to count
it is 60 inches
If you have an age where the pitching rubber is 43 feet from the home then the front line or the batters box would be 38 feet 3 1/2 inches from the rubber. If you are at a younger age where the pitching distance is shorter then minus 4 feet 8 1/2 inches from that distance and you will have the front line of the box.
17 degrees kelvin