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Q: What two ways can a batter on a rounders team can be out?
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How many people in a rounders team?

there are 9 players: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th base back stop bowler batter and two deep fielders! there is also a subsitute runner for any base, but they do not need to play all the time

When is a half rounder awarded in rounders?

There are 3 ways, 1) when you get half way round the playing field 2) through two consecutive no balls 3) through obstruction, where a fielder gets in the way of the batter.

How do you hit the ball in rounders?

How to Win a Game of Rounders Winning a game of Rounders means your team has scored the most points at the end of a predetermined number of innings (usually two). Note: Rounders game rules would award the victory to the team with the most Rounders (whole points) if the game ends in a tie.

How many innings are there in a rounders match?

Five innings constitute a game of rounders

Who invented rounders?

Rounders is a game that was invented by two people called William Clarke and John Newbery. The game was invented in 1828 in London.

What is a rounders?

Nothing- but a roundoff is a cartwheel that lands on two feet

What happens when you break the rules in a game of rounders?

Certain penalties will be incurred depending on which rules are broken.

What are two ways that the batter can be out in baseball?

three strikes and fielder or outfielder catches ball without dropping it.

What are two ways to finance facilities for a professional sports team?

Advertisements and ticket sales

What are the two fielding positions in rounders?

server and pitcher hope this helped!

What is baseball called in England?

Baseball is still baseball in England - there are many significant differences between baseball and rounders, for example, runs (known themselves as rounders) are only scored in rounders when a single player runs around all four bases. There are two separate Rounders associations in the British Isles, that which exists in England is called the National Rounders Association (NRA), and that which exists in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, the Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA).

What shape is a rounders pitch?

A Rounders pitch is 180.13 square metres in size