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There are:

Two outside hitters (or, "lefts")

Two middle blockers, but only one is on the court at a time

One libero (who usually plays back row for the middles)

One or two setters (if there is one setter: a right front plays when the setter is back row and a right back (usually a defensive specialist) plays when the setter is front row)

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8y ago
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13y ago

You'll these have people in the front: setter, center, and power on leftside. Depending on the rotation you can have a weak side hitter on the right

The back row depends on how you set up your team strategy and what the other team is doing. There are a lot of ways to put everyone so it can change what they're name is. Generally they're called back right, back middle, back left or whatever.

Some people call them ds or defensive specialists, but that's a job not a position.

And there's the libero, but they play only play back row and don't have to sign in to rotate. They wear a cool jersey.

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14y ago

the six positions are setter, middle, power, and the three back rows (which are the same name but in back row)

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17y ago

Setter, Middle, Offside (tech), power, libero, server, and i guess a passer? Back row and front row have the same names (power, setter, Middle)

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12y ago

position 1

position 2

position 3

position 4

position 5

position 6

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15y ago

setter right side hitter

left side hitter 3 passers in the back

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Q: What are the seven positions in volleyball?
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How many positions are there in volleyball?

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When rotating in volleyball, you rotate clockwise into each of the six positions.

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There is only three. Setter, Middle and Power

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yeah it is

What are positions of players in a volleyball team?

Well, it's kind of hard to explain, but the positions are not hard to learn, it depends on how many players are in the team.

When can a player lead off the base in volleyball?

Volleyball does not have bases . We do have positions though . Players may not switch positions without a substitution before the ball is served . After the ball leaves the server's hands the players are aloud to move wherever they wish on the court . But until the ball is hit they must stay in their positions without overlapping .

What are the abbreviations for the 6 positions in volleyball?

Ds, oh, rs, lb, rb, lb ,st

In volleyball the players situated in the back zone when the serve is made is called which positions?

back row