Setter and spiker/blocker
setter, server, (rotations) hitter (person who spikes, volleys over net) and blocker
Playing with four people is not regulation volleyball so you can really set it up however you want.
there are six positions on the court. usually teams have 8-12 players, but only six can play at one time.
When rotating in volleyball, you rotate clockwise into each of the six positions.
There are only 6 positions in volleyball : Right-Front Left-Front Middle-Back Left-Back Right-Back Setter
Hitter Passer Setter
2011 Womens Volleyball Final Four -- San Antonio, Texas
yeah it is
Well, it's kind of hard to explain, but the positions are not hard to learn, it depends on how many players are in the team.
Volleyball does not have bases . We do have positions though . Players may not switch positions without a substitution before the ball is served . After the ball leaves the server's hands the players are aloud to move wherever they wish on the court . But until the ball is hit they must stay in their positions without overlapping .
Ds, oh, rs, lb, rb, lb ,st