A young player in the Academy may be paid from 100euros a week to 2000, but the first team has salaries of 70000 and up. In fact, Raul, Casillas, and some of the former Gallacticos like Zidane and Roberto Carlos were said to be paid equally, somewhere around 180000 euros a week. Real Madrid had the most highly paid players in the world until Chelsey came along.
The first team at Real Madrid have big stars so they pay through their noses. Christiano Ronaldo , kaka and benzeema are very costly players.
Real Madrid have to pay for their players.
Real Madrid Avenida de Concha Espina, 1 28036 Madrid Spain
Players who played for both Real Madrid and Manchester United are David Beckem , Steve McMananan , Ivan Campos.
These following players joined Real Madrid from the E.P.L. Jonathan Wood gate, Michael Owen,David Beckham and Cunningham.
Barcelon do not pay their players like Real Madrid , mainly as they develop young players into their team, Resal Madrid keeps buying big named players, for huge amounts so they weekly salary is also huge.
Beckham Adebayor-On loan to Real Madrid from Manchester City
yes, real Madrid is the name of a Spanish football team, it is called F.C real Madrid , which mean "foot ball club of real Madrid, real Madrid is known worldwide for it's championships and world records, and top players.