Indoor hockey is played on a smaller court with smaller goals, and has low bariers at the sides to prevent the ball from the field so often. It is also against the rules to raise the ball to any height. In Field Hockey, the field is larger with larger goals, there are no barriers on any outline (except possibly the goalposts which sit on the backline and can rebound the ball back), and the ball can be raised to any height pending danger or as an attempted shot at goal.
It is a mixture of field hockey's rules and lacrosses rules.
field hockey is an indoor sport and a outdoor sport
Hockey is very entertaining to people who know the rules. If you don't know the rules, then hockey is hard to understand.
Hockey's rules were created by it's creator, but over time, we changed to rules to our liking.
Hockey safety rules are the rules put in place to keep players from getting hurt. Some of the rules are to not hit other players with your hockey stick, no tripping, no pushing, and no hitting.
ice hockey
outdoor hockey, Rugby, soccer, somemtimes tennis, ummm... usually touch
football,hockey,and baseball, street hockey, skating, soccer and rugby
Ice hockey
the international rules
i don't know the rules
Canadian hockey is the same as the NHL.