In the NHL, all available shooters must shoot at least one time before the same player can shoot again.
In Olympic hockey, the same shooter can make unlimited attempts after the first three rounds have taken place.
ice hockey
Shoot Out
the international rules
Hockey's rules were created by it's creator, but over time, we changed to rules to our liking.
A wrist shot is using you wrist to shoot a puck without slapping it off ice, you keep it on the ice when you shoot.
It's best to shoot in the corners and a little below the middle.
Too many new rules.
No way
NO cheeking, boarding,cross cheeking,and no fighting
ice hockey
The game of ice hockey probably evolved from the game of field hockey that was played in Northern Europe for hundreds of years. The modern version of ice-hockey finds its origins in the rules laid down by a Canadian named J G Creighton. His rules were implemented in the first game of ice hockey played in Montreal, Canada in the year 1875.