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Field Hockey rules are complex, as you can imagine, all sports are. For a full breakdown of the rules and how they came about please visit the Field Hockey Governing Body website (FIH)

The link below will take you to the FIH Websites dedicated rules page, there you may find various documents which will help you better understand the rules of field hockey.

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14y ago
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13y ago

Field Hockey rules are complex, as you can imagine, all sports are. For a full breakdown of the rules and how they came about please visit the Field Hockey Governing Body website (FIH)

The link below will take you straight to the rules pages.

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11y ago

the ball can't hit your foot, you can't dangerously raise the ball, there is no such thing as off side, you can't hit another players stick with your stick. these are just some basic rules but of course there are more that I just can't think of right now.

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13y ago

Basic Field Hockey Rules:

In the game there are two halves which are 20-25 minutes long each with a 5 minute half time. There are 11 players on each team including the goalie. The ball must be dribbled or passed down the field with the flat side of the stick. You an score a goal by striking the ball in the goal from within the striking circle. You must not shield the ball from an opponent with your stick or body. All the players must have an equal chance to control the ball. You are only allowed to play the ball with the rounded side of the stick and you must not charge, hit, trip, or shove an opponent. Also do not raise the stick above your waist because it will then be looked upon as a dangerous manner. Please do not kick the ball or use any other means to move the ball without the stick. Do not block the ball with your body or try to stop it that way either.than with the stick. Also do not hook, hit, hold or interfere with another opponent or their stick. In a penalty corner, the ball is placed on the goal line at least 10 yards from the nearest goal post. One attacking player may hit the ball to a teammate just outside the striking circle line. No shot on goal may be taken until the ball is stopped or comes to rest on the ground outside the circle. All attackers must be outside the circle before the hit is taken. On defense, a maximum of five defenders may be behind the goal line while the remaining defenders must be positioned beyond the center line. Typically, the attacking player taking the free hit passes the ball to her teammate positioned outside the striking circle. An offensive player will stop the ball with the stick while another player will strike the ball at the goal. Penalty corner is awarded for the following offenses:

  • Any breach of the rule by a defender within the circle that would have resulted in a free hit to the attacking team if the breach had occurred outside the circle.
  • An intentional hit over the goal line by a defender from any part of the field.

The sixteen yard hits are when the attacking team plays the ball over the back-line, the defense receives a 16-yard hit. The free hit is taken 16 yards from the spot where the ball crossed the back-line. The Push-In/Hit In is awarded to the opposition if a player hits the ball over the sideline. All players and their sticks must be at least 5 yards away from the spot where the ball is put into play.

Those are all the rule you need to know in order to play field hockey.

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14y ago

1. Duration of games for league play

8 game schedule. be two 23-minute halves on a running clock. Halftime will be two minutes. If a team cannot begin play within ten minutes of scheduled start time, game will be considered a forfeit and team will be charged for referee fees.

2. Start of the Game

Home team takes center pass. Away team chooses direction. The ball must be passed back at the start of a game. No one may cross the midfield line until the ball has moved.

3. Number of players

5 field players plus a goalkeeper (6 v 6). Teams electing to play without a goalkeeper may play with a 6th field player. However, all rules will continue to apply to that 6th player as a field player. Teams may play with a minimal of 3 field players plus a goalkeeper. Each team will provide a roster to game management at the time of registration. Any disputes concerning roster violations must be addressed with game management.

4. Equipment/Uniform

All players must wear shin guards and mouth guards. Players must wear the same colored shirts with numbers on the back. Numbers must match the numbers on the team roster. All players must wear molded rubber soled cleats or indoor shoes. No jewelry of any kind is permitted. Goalkeepers must be legally equipped. Violation of equipment rules will result in player being removed from playing field and change of possession. Player may not return to the playing field until so qualified as being legally equipped by the referee.

5. Substitutions

Substitutions will be allowed on the "fly" with exiting player within 10 yards of own bench area and entering player passing exiting player within 5 yards of own bench area.

6. No flicks and scoops during field play.

7. Free hits (legal stroke = push)

Both teams must be 5 yards away from the ball.

8. Lofted balls will be ruled as dangerous.

9. Penalty Corners

Three (3) defenders and the goalkeeper are allowed to defend. All other defenders must return to the halfway line. Attacking team must remain out of circle and off the line and the defending team must line up behind the goal line under the ball is put into play. Fouls by the attacking team will result in a free hit for defense from top of circle. Fouls by the defending team will result in a retake of the corner. Persistent fouls by the defense may result in a penalty stroke. Referee will control the start of a corner with a hand indication. Legal stroke for player taking the corner hit is a push. Initial hit after receiving corner hit and shots on goal thereafter may be a push, scoop or flick but will be ruled according to danger by referee. The initial hit must be controlled or the ball stopped prior to shots on goal.

10. Penalty Stroke

Attacker (stroker) shall take the stroke from the penalty stroke line. Referee will ask both players (goalkeeper first) if they are ready and will start the penalty stroke with the whistle. Goalkeeper must maintain contact with goal line at all times after "ready" indication is made and prior to the taking of a stroke. Foul by the stroker will result in a free hit for the defense from top of circle. Foul by the goalkeeper will result in the retaking of the stroke. Legal strokes are a push, flick or scoop.

11. Scoring

Any player, from within player's half of the playing field, may score a goal without the ball being touched or played by another teammate. Goals from penalty corners/penalty strokes are played according to the established rules and regulations stated in #9 and #10 above.


14. Fouls and Misconduct

Fouls are when a player uses the body or the stick in any manner to strike, attempt to strike, trip, attempt to trip, push, hold, charge, obstruct, including third-party, or cause dangerous play. Dissent (word or action) and vulgar or profane language are misconduct. Penalty will be change of possession. If necessary, player shall be cautioned (green, yellow or red) as deemed by the referee. If player is shown a yellow card, player will be penalized three (3) minutes of playing time and team will play down. If a player is shown a red card, player is removed from the game and team will play down for remainder of game. Penalty stroke is awarded to opposing team who shall take center pass after stroke. Player issued a red card will be reported to game management and player may not play in next scheduled game.



Twin Ponds Additional Rules and Regulation

1. Any team requesting a game change after the first game will be required to pay the ref fee for both teams participating in that game along with a $75 rescheduling fee.

2. A team that is required to forfeit their game must pay the referee both their own referee fee and are required to pay the ref fee for the other team. No Exceptions! Teams will be permitted to play recreationally, and my pick up additional players (must signed a medical release form) to field enough players to play.

3. A team must forfeit if they cannot provide enough players to field a team. For games on Fields #4 - 3 Field Players plus a goalkeeper (4 total).

4. Inclement Weather Cancellation Clause - Twin Ponds West will remain open during Inclement Weather as long as the Capital City Mall is open. Information regarding closings can be found on our website (Located on Standings Page) and by calling 795.7663 and listening to recording.

5. Any team that picks up an additional player with the consent of the other team or Twin Ponds will be subject to forfeit that game.

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13y ago

well, here are the basic ones:

1. The ball cannot touch your feet

2. The ball cannot touch the round part of your stick.

3. The ball may not be lifted over the head where it is not safe

4. You cannot touch another persons stick with your stick while you are tackling

5. If any of the above infringements occur a free hit will be given away

6. When a free hit is taken the opposition must be 5 feet away.

7. If an infringement occurs within the circle a short corner will be given away

8. The aim is to get the ball into the other teams goal box

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There are many places a person could find rules for field hockey. For instance, a person may check out a book from the local library which describes the rules and play of field hockey. Additionally, a person may check with the websites called Field Hockey ISport and NFHS Field Hockey. Both websites offer information on the rules of field hockey.

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What is the job of each umpire in field hockey?

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