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The ideal lenght is between 10 and 14 inches, however, longer and shorter barrels do have advantages. Barrel Porting, diameter and material will be disregarded for the sake of this explanation. 10-14 is the tested ideal lengh, with enough time to accelerate to 300 fps, but short enough not to waste air. A short (1 inch to 8 inch) barrel will lack the time needed to gain speed before exiting the barrel, and may fire nearly 30-70 FPS lower and decreasing accuracy. However If you play on an inside close course, with buildings, a short barrel will allow you to maneuver better. A long (16-21 inch) barrel will decrease velocity, will be cumbersome, and will be less accurate while moving. If the long barrel is supported by a post or bipod, it will be more accurate then medium lenght barrels

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Huge adrenaline rush.

One of the few activities where smaller people can be good or better then very large and strong people.

Best military simulator besides simunitions(military only)

Has both physical (play) and technical (gun mechanics) aspects.

Produces fun memories with friends.

Great for many things from just wanting to shoot, to people who want to milsim.

Physical feedback on hits (unlike airsoft or reenactments)

Huge, multi day scenario events, with miles of play and thousands of players.


Expensive at first.

Painful to new players

player types can vary, some are tougher crowds, others are great

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Q: What are the pros and cons of having a shorter or longer paintball barrel?
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Can you buy a paintball barrel back and add it to your existing barrel for more length?

No, barrel backs to not use the same threads as barrels. You can buy longer barrel fronts to attach to barrel backs.

If a cannonball is shot from a longer barrel cannon rather than a shorter barrel cannon it willl have a?

Longer (effective) range. Longer barrels on a firearm allow for more complete burning of the propellant, which results in a higher muzzle velocity, which in turn results in a longer effective range, when compared to an identical weapon with a shorter barrel.

What is a flatline paintball gun barrel?

It's a barrel for Tippmann paintball guns and only Tippmann guns. It specializes in a flat trajectory, though suffers in accuracy. How it works is it adds backspin to the paintball therefore shooting it in a flat trajectory. Tippmann argues that the barrel adds range and while it is true that the paintball is in the air longer than a standard barrel the problem is that because of the backspin the paintball looses speed as it goes, so right around there a paintball from a standard barrel hits the ground is where a paintball from a flatline becomes useless as well as it will not have enough speed to break on anything.

What improves paintball accuracy?

Aftermarket barrels. A longer barrel will get your paint into a smaller spread. Try Stiffi, Smart Parts, or Dye barrels.

What the work energy theorem of a rifle with a longer barrel that fire bullets with a larger velocity than a rifle with a shorter barrel?

The work-energy theorem states that the work done on an object is equal to the change in its kinetic energy. In the case of rifles, the longer barrel allows for a longer acceleration distance for the bullet, resulting in a higher muzzle velocity. This means that the rifle with the longer barrel does more work on the bullet, giving it more kinetic energy and a higher velocity compared to the rifle with the shorter barrel.

What would a longer barrel on a paintball gun have to do with the flight of the paintball?

A: A paintball will start falling towards the ground as soon as it exits the mouth of the barrelB: When using barrels under 14", there is still a pressure buildup behind the paintball when it exits the muzzle, thus the full potential of the shot is not utilised.C: When using barrels over 16", there is no longer a buildup of pressure behind the paintball, thus the friction inside the barrel causes it to lose velocity, in turn losing range.As such, a 16" barrel is the ultimate length. pressure buildup lasts throughout the entire barrel length, so maximum shot potential is utilised.the above is way wrong, the amount of air behind the paintball depends on the pressure and your dwell setting not the barrel length. barrel length has nothing to do with the flight of a paintball, internal diamiter and build quality do a bit but the quality of the paintball itself will have the most effect. between 12"-16" is all personal preference and there is no performance difference, below 12 there is not much room for porting so your shot is louder, above 16 and you have to use extra air/co2 to get the paintball up to the right speed, 16" is nice for sticking through bushes if your a woodsball player and pushing down bunkers if you are a speedball player, 12 will be very compact, i tend to stick to 14, and get some of both worlds

What are facts about having a lunch shorter?

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Does the length of a shotgun barrel affects the distance of the shot?

Yes, the length of a shotgun barrel can affect the distance of the shot to some extent. A longer barrel typically allows for a more consistent and tighter shot pattern, which can result in slightly longer effective range compared to a shorter barrel. However, other factors such as the type of ammunition used and choke selection also play significant roles in determining the effective range of a shotgun.

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In the context of a pendulum, the length represents the distance from the point of suspension to the center of mass of the pendulum. The length of the pendulum affects the period of its oscillation, with longer pendulums having a longer period and shorter pendulums having a shorter period.

Is there a paintball bolt action sniper?

Yes. Although all standard paintball guns shoot around the same distance, there are certain barrels or paintballs available that add range and/or accuracy to the marker. Besides that any marker with a longer barrel and optics could be considered a "sniper" marker.

Do high pitched sounds have a longer wave length than low pitched .?

No, high-pitched sounds have shorter wavelengths than low-pitched sounds. The pitch of a sound is determined by the frequency of the sound waves, with high frequencies having shorter wavelengths and low frequencies having longer wavelengths.

Todd is designing an experiment to test the idea that putting a longer barrel on a paintball marker will make it more accurate He will compare a long-barreled marker to a regular marker He will coll?

it will not be any more accurate, a paintball marker is not a firearm the physics are different. in all reality the first 8" of a barrel are for accuracy, anything after that is to quiet the shot down and give the ball a little more room to accelerate