Assuming you're referring to Long Island in New York, then there's Cousin's Paintball and High Velocity.
The only real dangers in paintball are when masks are not worn, and injuries associated with any sport. If you have the proper face protection on, the only way paintball is dangerous is if you slipped and fell on the field which could break bones potentially. Paintballs themselves, even at point blank range, properly chronographed guns can only break the skin and leave a welt, which should disappear in a few days, especially on younger players. Hits from regular-long engagement lenght will leave only a small red ring, or larger red area. It is a misconception that freezing paintballs will turn them into dangerous solids, this is simply not true. When paintballs are frozen, the shell becomes extremely brittle, and will break inside their gun or on you, causing less pain, as the slightly more viscus paint hits you.
ya it will give it more accuracy and a little bit more velocity
all of the public paintball fields will not let you do anything without a paintball mask baggy clothing. old jeans, long sleeve shirt, anything old that you dont mind getting dirty.
Yes, i know a lot of girls who paintball, as long as you can take the hit it is fun. It is recommended that you wear a chest protector.
Both seasons are great for paintball as long as you drink lots of water and take breaks when you feel hot and exhausted.
Well the high end brands that make paintball markers (guns) include; Planet Eclipse, Dye, Proto, WGP, Invert (mini), Draxxus, Bob Long, and Dangerous Power. **Note** those brands make mostly electric guns for x-ball, and speed ball game play. The more tactical brands include; Tippman, BT, Army, Tiberius Arms, and smart parts makes a few tactical markers too.
As long as you shoot it on your property at your property.
It all depends on how far you want your dart/paintball to go.
it would be unwise to have paintball loaded and the gas tank in. If would give the wrong impression if cops stopped you. But there are no laws stating you can't, as long as you are over 18.
as long as your at a feild... dont go shooting people on the streets