A diagram of the MLB batter's box can be found in the official MLB rule book. On-line, the rules are at http://mlb.mlb.com/mlb/official_info/official_rules/foreword.jsp and you can see the batter's box with dimensions under 1.0 - Objectives Of The Game.
The measurements for a box is written thus: length, width and depth.
17 degrees kelvin
you are in the box, you have to call for time.
in meters or centimeters
6ft x 4ft
The batter
It is usually powdered lime.
Poker boxes come in different sizes.
Most of the batter's box is in foul territory, but some of it is in fair territory, so it depends where the batted ball comes to rest.
NO, if the ball bounces in the batter's box the hit is automatically called a foul ball.
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