Mainly you loose fat and gain muscle. If you aren't very athletic you may loose truly depends on how much time are you going to be playing Field Hockey and how serious about it you are. If you're serious and commited and do it for more than a year your thighs will get stronger and sadly bigger, your calfs will be more defined . Your arms are gonna be stronger and your abs may tighten up. On the downside you will loose flexibility so i strongly recommend to do pilates or yoga to complement and to help keep a womanly figure . Best of luck
field hockey
There aren't four specific health and safety aspects to field hockey. The correct equipment is the main component, as well as sound knowledge of the rules, suitable weather for the game and playing people of a similar level to yourself.
field hockey
Turf hockey is field hockey.
It means nothing in field hockey.
To my knowledge, there is no such thing as a slide in field hockey.
field hockey
It is a mixture of field hockey's rules and lacrosses rules.
Click on the link to your right for the history of field hockey.
field hockey is an indoor sport and a outdoor sport
Dita Field Hockey was created in 1891.
USA Field Hockey was created in 1922.