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A go meal is some friuts,vetatables,or if its in the morning breakfast is good

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Q: What are some good meals for before and after volleyball practice?
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How do you become a good volleyball player?

Practice makes perfect. I played Volleyball for a while and I sucked at it, then I got better, now I'm okay but I don't play much anymore.

How can a volleyball spiker practice by her self with no wall?

I am a volleyball player, and what my coach always tells us to do, is to practice our approach over and over again. make sure you use your arms for power, and think "left, right, left" when you step. then add your arm swing in with it. if you don't have a wall, practice against your house or go to a gym and practice there. a key to hitting a good spike, is to get a good approach and to hit the top of the ball.

Snacks before the meal?

Snacks are good. You should eat a small healthy snack between meals that way you won't be as hungry between meals and you can eat less at meals.

How can you practice volleyball inside a small spaced house?

It's not a good idea, as you might break something. Try going to a local park.

How do you become a left handed volleyball player?

practice.? duhhh..I'm a left handed volleyball player and it took me almost 3 years to get a perfect kill down..and now I'm like pro..iv gotten scholarships to school like all aorund the world :) i'd say just practice practice practice..go to volleyball cmaps private whatever it we all say practice makes perfect good luckk.

What if you practice three hours a day for 3 months and you are still not good at volleyball what do you do?

You probably need to go to a skills camp and find a personal coach.

Any good tips for volleyball begginers?

practice, practice, practice. the more you practice the better player you'll be. listen to all the advice your coach gives you, he/she know more than you do and will help you improve much faster. (oh and you might want to spell "beginners" right)

Are Reebok's good tennis shoes for volleyball?

Yes, most tennis shoes are good for volleyball.

How do you become a good player?

Practice makes perfect. I played Volleyball for a while and I sucked at it, then I got better, now I'm okay but I don't play much anymore.

The exercise in volleyball is it good and how good?

Good. Very good.

Is it good to eat fruits before or after meals?

it is better to eat fruits before meal b/c it will fill your little side of stomach

Is it a good practice to sieve wheat flour before consuming?

Yes, it is a good practice to sieve the flour before consuming it so that the harmful things such as stones, husk or something else can not come in our meal