kicking an opponent,pushing an opponent,tackling an opponent
Kicking a soccer ball past the goalie to score a goal. Apex
Intentionally pushing another player to the ground.
A foul is when you create too much physical contact with another player. For instance, hitting their arm on a shot attempt (or hitting their arm at all), pushing them, holding their jersey, tripping them (accidentally or not), and so on. You will be assessed with one foul, and if you reach 6 fouls (in the NBA; college has 5 fouls), you will be disqualified from the game and will have to watch from the bench.
If you are fouled when shooting the ball, you will get free throws. If you were shooting a two point shot, you will get two free throws, and if it was a three point shot, you will get three free throws. If you made the shot and got fouled (two point or three point), you will get one free throw at the line.
Double Foul
A double foul is when two players commit personal fouls against each other at the same time, resulting in no free-throws for either team. These type of fouls usually happen when both players are frustrated with each other.
Technical Foul
A technical foul is usually assessed for unsportsman like conduct towards another player, referee, team, etc. For instance, if you dunk on an opponent and then wave your finger at him as if to say "get out of my house," you would be assessed with a technical foul. Other common technical fouls arise from arguing with the referee too much (the most common, considered unsportsman like conduct), hanging on the rim, or having too many players on the floor at one time. Technical fouls usually result in one-free throw.
If a player is stationed in the key (colored rectangle underneath baskets) for three seconds, that team is given a technical foul. If it was an offensive player who picked it up, the other team gets the ball, and if the defensive player picks it up, the other team shoots one free throw.
If you receive two technical fouls during a game, you are automatically ejected. Thus, players are always cautious after picking up one technical foul.
Double Technical
A double technical is usually given to two players under an intense or frustrating situation. For instance, if two players are fighting for position and give each other a shove after the play is over (or during the play), both will be hit with a double technical. No free throws are shot from this ruling.
Flagrant Foul
A flagrant foul is a foul that involves over-excessive contact. For instance, if a player is going up for a layup and the opponent takes a swipe at his head, knocking him hard to the floor, that player who took the swipe will be hit with a flagrant foul. A flagrant foul results in two players for the player who got hit by the opponent (in this case, the player who went up for the layup) as well as the ball for another posession.
Two types of flagrant fouls are given: a flagrant one and flagrant two foul. If you are given a flagrant one, you will stay in the game. If you are given a flagrant two, you will automatically be ejected from the game.
Clear Path Foul
A clear path foul is given to a player who fouls an opponent in the open court when there is no one in front of that player. For example, say player one stole the ball and is going to the other end of the court to score, and there is no player in front of him. If player b comes and fouls player one to prevent him from having an uncontested layup, player b will be hit with a clear path foul. This results in player a shooting two free throws, and after he has shot them, his team will be awarded another posession. This is aimed to prevent teams from fouling players to make them earn their points from the line even though the player is going to have an uncontested layup.
If in the opinion of the referee a foul is comitted he must first determine if the team fouled has an advantage. If the team has an advantage the referee will allow play to continue. If the team does not have an advantage the referee will stop play. Next the referee must determine what the restart of play will be (indirect or direct free kick) and where the restart of play will take place. Usually at the spot the fould occured although special circumstances allow for the ball to be placed else where. Finally the referee must determine if any misconduct has taken place. If he believes that it was a reckless foul he may choose to caution the player and show him the yellow card. If he believes that it was an excessive foul he may choose to send the player off and show him the red card. Then play may be restarted. Source:
FIFA Laws of the Game, Law 12: Fouls and Misconduct
If by what is foul, you mean "what is A foul in Basketball" then there is deffinently more than one. The basic fouls are:
Double dribble- if you dribble the ball, and then stop dribbling, but then dribble it again, that's a double dribble, and then the other team gets the ball.
Charging foul- if you have the ball, and you're running down the court, and you go for a lay up or dunk, and you charge your defender like a bull, that a charging foul, and the other team gets the ball.
Goal tending- If someone shoots the basket, and it is about to or almost would have gone in the basket, and you just smack the ball away or out of the rim, it's an automatic 2-points for the offensive team.
There are many, many other fouls in the game of basketball. If you can, you might want to Google this question. I hoped this helped.
In Baseball, fouls are when the ball is hit out of bounds, or not withing the first and third base lines.
440 personel fouls
The singular form of fouls is fouls.
The two most "major" penalties in basketball are technical fouls and flagrant fouls. Flagrant fouls are assessed when a player fouls another player with excessive force without making a play on the ball. Technical fouls are assessed to players who disrespect other players or the referree. Technical fouls are judgement calls by the ref. they can be called for cursing, taunting, attempted fighting, arguing or many more things.
The referee
2 technical fouls and 6 fouls
There are two types ... technical and personal. There are flagrant fouls, which are fouls intended to hurt another player. Shooting fouls are physical contact during a shot attempt. Technical fouls are arguments or complaints with the referee. Intentional fouls are fouls that are done to make someone shoot free throws instead of holding the ball, mostly done at the end of close-scored ball games.
Team fouls are the total fouls that all the players together committed. Personal fouls are each player individually.
over 600 fouls
In most leagues it is 5 fouls until you are out. However, in some tournaments they can make up whatever rules they want so any number of fouls. But basically it is 5 fouls. -Kristen (I have played basketball for 6 years)
Team fouls are reset to 3. Personal fouls remain the same
6 fouls. If you get 6, your out.