They can score a "try" (similar to a touchdown). A try is scored by grounding the ball in the opposition's in-goal area (on or behind the goal line). A try is worth 5 points in Rugby union or 4 points in rugby league and a conversion is worth 2 more points if successful.
Alternatively they can get a drop goal or field goal. A drop goal is scored in open play by drop kicking the ball over the crossbar and between the uprights. After the kick, the ball may touch the crossbar or goalposts, but not the ground (i.e. it must be on the full), before it goes over and through. A drop goal is worth 3 points in rugby union or 1 point in rugby league.
In the NFL there are different ways to score. For example, there is the touchdown where a team makes their way down the field to score in the endzone.(Worth 6 points) There is the extra point(s) after that a team may or may not acquire whether it be a field goal(Worth 1 point) or a two point conversion(Worth 2 points). There is just a field goal(Worth 3 points) which a team can get if they cannot for whatever reason score in the endzone. There is also a safety(Worth 2 points) that a team can get if they manage to back up any players of the opposing into their own endzone and bring them down to their knees with the ball in hand or gets them to go out of bounds.
touchdown field goal extra point safety 2 point conversion
No. It is the score of one team. There are two ways of scoring in Gaelic Football. They are goals, by getting the ball into the net. A goal is worth 3 points. The other way is to score a point, by hitting the ball over the crossbar. The scores are often given showing both the amount of goals scored and the amounts of points scored, rather than the overall total. 2 - 15 means 2 goals and 15 points. That would be a total of 21 points.
Points are scored by getting the ball to hit the floor on the other team's side of the court. Other ways to score include the other team touching the net, your opponent hitting the ball out of bounds or committing a double
u shoot the ball
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Generally to win you need to score more goals than the other team but you can win in other ways including, disiplinary, drug problems etc
Safety (tackling the ball carrier while being in his own endzone) and PAT (Point After Touchdown), I think.
Shot from the otherside of the court
The score for each team in a Gaelic Football match is given in two parts, the first being goals and the second being points, as there are two ways of scoring. A goal is worth 3 points. So 2 goals is 6 points, plus 7 points equals 13. 1 goal is 3 points, plus 10 points is also 13. So the result is a draw.
3 safeties