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It is a Cheerleading move where the cheerleader jumps and separates their legs and reaches for their feet.

For this move the toes don't actually need to be touched, it is the same as a straddle in gymnastics or trampolining. Many people often do toe-touches on the floor when there legs are spread apart and they bend down the middle to touch their feet, it is recognised as a straddle stretch

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Q: What Is A Toe Touch Jump?
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What was the first cheerleading jump?

toe touch

What is toe jump?

I think you are talking about a toe touch possibly? It is a jump where you jump and bring your toes up and out while rotating your hips. ~EA

Who invited the toe touch jump?

Does it matter? It's not a sport.

What is a toe touch?

A physical exercise. you jump up and and have your legs sticking up to the sides and touch your toe a toe touch is a move in cheerleading when you jump in the air and you spread your legs A toe touch is a type of jump frequently used in cheerleading. To properly do a toe touch, you must jump, throw your legs up and to the side, and reach for your toes with your hands. DO NOT LEAN FORWARD! Leaning forward is not a toe touch. You back must be straight. The toe touch, is the most popular move in cheerleading. As many people join cheerleading, that is the first thing they learn. You have to be kind of flexible to do because if you jump up in the air and spread your legs to far you might pull a muscle. So fnow I'm going to tell you how you do a toe touch step bye step. 1. you jump up in the air 2. in the process of you in the air you spread your legs & touch your toes 3. the right hand touches the right foot, & the left hand touches the left foot you actually don't touch your toes; just so you know. you just reach for them. and, if you want to know the truth .. it's not called "spreading your legs", it's called straddling. spreading your legs sounds so disgusting. a toe touch is when someone jumps in the air and does a straddle. ( This is pretty much just doing the spilts in th air) Hope that helps!!!

What year was the toe touch invent?

You cant invent a toe touch. Its like inventing how to walk. Read a book. Cheerleading was inspired by gymnastics. So gee... it looks a lot like a straddle jump doesn't it??

What is a hurdle for cheer-leading?

You prep like you are going to do a toe touch,then when you jump you pull one of your legs back to your hip so it would look like a N kind of when you flex your toe on the bent leg then with the other leg it goes out like a toe touch and which ever leg is out like a toe touch i what side hurdler it is.and you just land with your feet togeter

How do you do a herky?

In cheerleading, a herky is a type of jump. To do one, you jump up with one leg bent toward the ground and one leg up in toe-touch to the side.

What are three names of a cheer jump?

toe touch, hurkie also known as hurdlers by some ( right and left), pike

What do you think are the best jumps for a cheer for tryouts?

A toe touch is by far the best jump. Most importmant thing.....point your toes!!

How do you do a jump back-handspring connected?

If you are doing a toe touch backhand spring for example you first do a toe touch and leave your hands where they are in a T. Then swing them down to your sides and then backwards into a handspring. Hope this helped. Let me know if you have any follow up questions.

How do you do a toe back?

A toe back is really a touch touch backhandspring. After you land your toe touchjump right into your backhandspring.

Who has the highest toe touch in the world?

Toe touches are a very hard thing to do. I have an over extended toe touch. A hyper extended toe touch is any where higher than that. A hyper extended toe touch is anywhere from almost liking yourself in the head to actually kicking yourself in the head.