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No Ice Hockey was invented in the 1892 i think it was

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Q: Was ice hockey invented in the 1920's?
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The most famous sport in Canada in 1920s?

Ice hockey

What country is the strongest in ice hockey?

CANADA! its in there blood hockey was invented by canadians

Where is ice hockey most common?

In Canada, they invented it.Canada

What would people call hockey if hockey pucks weren't invented?

Hockey. Pucks were invented for ice hockey, and if it hadn't developed, more people would simply play field hockey (the original way of playing hockey).

Simple form of hockey from Scotland?

Shinty, which is the fore-runner of Ice Hockey (Invented in Nova Scotia)

What biritish regiment invented ice hockey?

It was invented in Canada by the troops to fight boredom. I know this.

How does hockey represent being Canadian?

Canadians invented ice hockey because of canada's long winter canadians made a sport out of it

Who invented the ice hockey neck guard?

do you really care i mean how important can this be

Was skiing invented by Canadians?

Ice hockey was invented in Canada. Hockey in general was invented by various societies around the world, but none of these were in Canada.noyes, it was invented in Canada in 1875

Who is the originator of hockey?

Hockey was not invented , it was evolved . They have traces of man playing with sticks and balls (no homo) from 10,000bc it evolved on ice

Who invented the ice hockey skate?

The ice skate is neolithic (stone age). The sport ice hockey has a confusing history (see the related link). the first recorded games were played in the 1850's.

What do you call hockey that is not played on the ice?

Hockey Just hockey Hockey on ice is called ice hockey