

The friction a paintball goes through?

Updated: 10/23/2022
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12y ago

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I'm not exactly sure what you're getting at but I'll try. Paintballs go through the hopper, feedneck, chamber, barrel, and then any accessory you might have after the barrel. In the hopper and feedneck friction is not an issue however in the chamber and especially the barrel it becomes more important. A chamber that fits too loosely around the ball can cause inaccuracy but a chamber too small can slow or warp the ball. You have to get as little friction as you can while maintaining a fairly tight fit. Same things apply to the barrel. That's why barrel come in different bore sizes, to best match the paintball.

A second reason friction comes up in paintball debate is the sniper barrel length issue. Many companies advertise 20" sniper barrel!!! The trouble with that is a 20" barrel adds no more accuracy then a 14" barrel. All it does is add more friction and slows the ball.

^^^ agreed, in all reality the first 8" of a barrel is for accuracy, after that its all porting to quiet it down, iv seen a 8" barrel shoot just as accurately as a 20" but the 8 took a lot more co2 to use (due to the short distance the ball has to accelerate) and the 20 was much quieter (due to the vast amounts of porting

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