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the opposite coach's team that asked for it.

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Q: Technical foul on coach for no more time outs who gets the ball he offending team had possession?
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Does the opponent get to shoot free throws after a technical foul?

Yes, they do. They also get possession of the ball after the free throws, from the sideline.

When the ball is in play who can call a time out?

As far as college ball and the NBA are concerned, a team may call a time out when they are in possession of the ball or during a dead ball. A team may not call time out when they are on defense.

What is the result of a flagrant foul?

A flagrant foul1 is like a technical foul. A flagrant2 is a automatic ejection two free throws and possession of the ball.

What is the penality in basketball for a coach calling a time out when his team does not have the ball?

The ref may ignore him or give him a technical foul. Depending on who's the ref.

What is a loose ball in basketball play?

A loose ball foul in the NBA (European rules may differ) is committed when NO player from either team has possession of the ball. It is NOT a foul committed on a player who does not have possession of the ball so long as some other player has possession. A loose ball foul is committed ONLY when NO player from either team has possession, which is evident from the name, "Loose ball." The concept is important because an offensive foul has different repercussions than a defensive foul, but a "loose ball foul" is neither a defensive or an offensive foul. If any other player other than the one fouled has the ball then the foul is either defensive or offensive.

Can you keep possession of the basketball if you committed a technical foul?

The team who just was fouled gets the ball at the free throw line, shoots the free throws, the the team who just shot the free throws gets the ball out of bounds close to where the foul happened. In example: Say you get pushed from the back at the top of the key. You will shoot two free throws, then you will get the ball straight across from where the foul took place, on the side lines. Under the basket technical fouls are under the basket out of bounds. There like a regular foul in where you take it out. Different in the free throws because no one is around you.

What does possession mean in tag rugby?

Possession means to have the ball.

If a referee can not decide who has possession of the soccer ball how is it decided?

During active play it is possible that no one has possession. In that case, the first player to get to the ball now has possession.

What happens when a coach gets a technical foul?

the fouled team gets one free throw and keeps the ball.

It requires a fielder in possession of the ball touch the ball to the base?

You can touch the base with the ball if you want to. Any part of the fielder's body can touch a base as long as he has possession of the ball.

6 players on the court for a team. How many free throws should the onther team receive?

It is a technical foul. Thus, 2 shots followed by possession of the ball at mid-court.

What is the team with the ball in football?

if you have the ball in your possession then your on offense if not your on defense