No because swimming exerts a lot of energy. You will get a cramp mid way through the game and be very uncomfortable. Just lay low and relax before your soccer game.
Swimming could actually be very beneficial to you before playing Basketball. As a great aerobic sport swimming is a good way of stretching muscles and warming up for exercise efficiently.
Yes they should be trained before a game
Spaghetti, water, or gaterade. something with a lot of electrolytes
Eat health
Yes its 100 percent safe to take a shower before a soccer game. I Do It When Ever I need and Play with refreshing happiness :-)
No, rugby was invented during a game of soccer or as i say it football.
A sport is techniocly something active and is worldwide so soccer, in England its football, everywhere else its soccer, football is football everywhere, swimming is sooo worldwide.
This most likely means that you didn't stretch well enough before or after the game. It should wear off but if it continues hurting you should consult with your doctor.
Yes, unless you have a weak stomach then you should probably eat pasta.
Yes, this is because salad contains carbohydrates which is good source of energy ...and soccer is a type of game which required energy....
If you are not allergic to any of the ingredients and you have reviewed with a physician I would say yes. I play soccer and use it before certain games and find it gives me allot of energy.