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Before playing Basketball, eating a light meal of fruits, nuts, and protein will be beneficial to the player. A person should make sure to stay hydrated. Hydration is very important therefor should be done before, during, and after playing any sport.

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14y ago

A quick apple would be good, however, the sugar in apples will spike the blood glucose levels and be used up very rapidly resulting in a "sugar high" and then a sugar low in a short span of time resulting in loss of energy.

It is best to feed them a meal consisting of both long chain and short chain carbohydrates. The short chain carbs provide a source of immediate energy, and the long chain cards provide a "sustained" release of energy.

short chain carbs would be like what would be a great salad (add apple chunks and nuts), and add in a fantastic long chain carbs source like sweet potato...Sweet potato with cinnamon, and honey is AWESOME!

Restrict protein intake prior to the game, but have a meal of a pure protein source immediately after the game to give the body the materials it needs to begin rebuilding

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15y ago

Just a light snack, maybe an energy bar and energy drink or some fruit and water. Nothing too heavy or it may cause them to feel slickly during the match.

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13y ago

no cuz then ur stomach hurts and if u run and jump around u r going 2 puke


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Q: Should you eat before a basketball game?
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at least an hour if not more but dont eat greasy foods before the game. eat like a salad or something that gives u energy but not anything big. and the night before a game try to eat noodles. they give u energy for the game ideally two hours before a game, eating pasta and potatoes will boost your carbohydrate levels to give you more energy.

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good foods

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pasta and drink water not G2 or Gatorade not good for you