at least an hour if not more but dont eat greasy foods before the game. eat like a salad or something that gives u energy but not anything big. and the night before a game try to eat noodles. they give u energy for the game
ideally two hours before a game, eating pasta and potatoes will boost your carbohydrate levels to give you more energy.
Yes they should be trained before a game
A send off should be signaled by showing a red card to the player.
Try gatorade.
they should have a bottle of water or juice
It depends on the type of aggression. If the player is putting other players at risk of injury then the referee should give the aggressive player a warning or a red card. Soccer is an aggressive game, if the player isn't breaking any rules then you should also be more aggressive.
No. Once a player is substituted for, they may not reenter.
Spaghetti, water, or gaterade. something with a lot of electrolytes
Only if he scores a hat trick.
Eat health
Yes its 100 percent safe to take a shower before a soccer game. I Do It When Ever I need and Play with refreshing happiness :-)