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==Cheer the fielder first and don't forget the first baseman == Even a routine grounder must be fielded and thrown to the first baseman before an out is recorded. There is really no need to cheer for the runner. More than a few routine ground balls are not fielded properly. Remember the famous Billy Buckner/Mookie Wilson play which many believe cost the Red Sox a World Series title. Position players mentioned in this question must function together - team work -for an out to occur.

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Q: Should you cheer for the first baseman or runner when a routine ground ball is fielded and the runner gets thrown out at first?
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When you are a first baseman and warming up which positions do you throw ground balls to and what order?

Second, short, third. Repeat.

If the bases are loaded with 1 out and a ground ball is hit to the 1st baseman and the 1st baseman makes an error is it an earned run?

No, it would be listed as an unearned run.  A double-play is never assumed but a force play (at home or first) would be especially if the official scorer gave him an error (which basically means that the out should have been made).

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if the runner is stealing no but if there was a ground ball and he is running then yes

The throw from third to first base is?

Not completely sure of the question, but I'll go under the assumption the question being asked is: What is the official scoring when a ground ball is fielder by the 3rd baseman, and he then throws it to the 1st baseman for an out? The answer is: 5-3

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first choice would probably be first base