A legal pass in both codes Must be directly in line with the receive to the left OR right of the passer (which is very difficult to get exact) or behind the passers back foot to the ball receiver.
by passing the ball back and not droping it
basically - a team will carry the rugby ball, passing backwards or kicking the ball forward to reach the opposing teams goal line. The ball will then require grounding by placing the hand of the attacking player on the ball as it touches or goes over the in goal area.
A rugby ball
Its a rugby ball
An American football is the same shape as a rugby ball. A football is slightly smaller and is more pointed whereas a rugby ball is rounder in overall shape. A football skin is rougher to make it easier to be carried and can be leather whereas a rugby ball is slightly smother for aerodynamics (kicking and passing ) of a synthetic rummer outer panelled skin and a silicone bladder which is inflated to give the ball its shape. The size, weight and construction materials of a rugby ball is very closely monitored by the NRL and IRB Boards.
A Rugby Ball. there are no other names for it
Its called "A Rugby Ball" simple as that - There are different manufactures of these balls but they are all a rugby ball
"Selling a dummy" is a term used when an attacking player, carrying the ball makes it look like they are passing the ball or about to kick the ball however, they keep possession and continue to carry the ball in the attack.
how was the rugby ball originally made
A rugby ball
Richard Lindon, a leatherworker in Rugby, England, designed the rugby ball in the 1840s.
You use a rugby ball to play rugby. It is shaped like an egg.