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The Libero wear the opposite jersey from the rest of his/her team to mark them, so it is easier for the libero tracker to track. They only play in the back row, specializing in defense and passing.

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That is the libero of the team. That person is the best passer of the team and they wear a different shirt so the ref can see them sub in and out because they do that a lot

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Q: Olympics has one player different color jersey on the 6 man team why?
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Olympics has one player different color jersey on 6 man team why?

The person with the different color uniform is called the libero. That person plays backrow only, and sometimes serve. They don't have to make a substitution to go into the match, they just run in, behind the 10-ft. line.

What is the position called in volleyball when the player wear a different color jersey and only plays the back row?

A Libero.

Why does one volleyball player on each team wear a different color?

The player who is wearing a different colour jersey is actually the Liberos. They are player who has better defensive skills.They can replace any of the player at the back row without having to inform the referees, but they can't attack and go to the front row.

What does the different color jersey mean in volleyball?

They can't hit it over the net

Do the football uniforms at Oregon have player names on them?

Yes. The color of the name is the same color of the jersey. I don't know why anybody wants that.

In Olympics 2008 different combination of gender color elements indicate?

5 olympic ring.

What color are jersey people hair mostly?

Jersey people..? As in, "from New Jersey"? They have all kinds of different hair colors, just as they do in the rest of the United States. And the story is just the same in Jersey, Channel Islands.

Why does one player wear a different?

Volleyball VarietyThe wearer of a different-colored jersey is called the libero. This is a defense specialist, who is really good at passing and digging. A libero can't serve in high school volleyball, but he can serve in college volleyball. The reason why his shirt is a different color is to identify him when he goes on and off the court. A libero can also "sub" for anyone on the court.

Why don't University of Tennessee helmet color match the jersey's?

They don't match because fabric absorbs dye much differently than the helmet holds the paint. Most teams offset this by wearing a different color jersey/helmet combination.

Is jersey a color?


What color are the podiums in the Olympics?


What is the meaning of volleyball jersey?

Volleyball jersey's just like in any other sport show unity of a team. Jersey's all look alike with the exception of the numbers on each jersey that helps the officials to identify each player. In volleyball there maybe one jersey that is a different color from all the others on the team with the exception of the fonts on the lettering and numbers. This is called a libero. This person is defensive specialist and once the ball is in play must play only the back of the court.