She is the Libero (sp?) She plays only plays back row.
They can't hit it over the net
Volleyball jersey's just like in any other sport show unity of a team. Jersey's all look alike with the exception of the numbers on each jersey that helps the officials to identify each player. In volleyball there maybe one jersey that is a different color from all the others on the team with the exception of the fonts on the lettering and numbers. This is called a libero. This person is defensive specialist and once the ball is in play must play only the back of the court.
Volleyball VarietyThe wearer of a different-colored jersey is called the libero. This is a defense specialist, who is really good at passing and digging. A libero can't serve in high school volleyball, but he can serve in college volleyball. The reason why his shirt is a different color is to identify him when he goes on and off the court. A libero can also "sub" for anyone on the court.
net, volleyball, jersey (aka shirt) and spandex shorts, knee pads
The person who sits at the end of the net in volleyball is called the libero. The libero is a defensive specialist who wears a different color jersey and has certain restrictions on attacking and blocking.
d.s defensive specalist also known as libero or middle back
"Athletes Corner"
No, a safety plays in the defensive backfield.
I play volleyball and volleyball does not have a player from another team. What you are referring to may be the libero. The libero is a player that wears a jersey different from the ones that the rest of the team wears. They wear it to show that they can substitute in for any player in the back row of the court at anytime.
new jersey