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5 olympic ring.

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What do chemical symbols indicate?

Chemical symbols indicate elements.

Why use prefixes for molecular compounds?

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What is the atomic number of elements indicate?

the number of protons

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What the heading size 1 in HTML?

There is no standard size for H1 (or other H#) elements, and the default can vary widely in different browsers. It is up to the browser how it will be rendered. H1 is a semantic element to indicate the heading of a document, just as H2 elements indicate section headings, H3 elements display subsection headings, and so on. You can use CSS to make the H1 content any size you wish.

The chemical formula of a compound does not indicate?

The chemical formula of a compound does not indicate the way that elements are joined in the compound. Chemical formulas tell you the identity of the elements in the compound and the relative proportions of the elements.

What do chemist use to stand for atoms or elements?

Atomic symbols are used to represent elements, a negative (-) and a psoitive (+) represent electrons and protons, respectively. Chemicals or other compounds are often written as a combination of atomic symbols with subscripts to indicate the presence of multiple atoms.

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How do scientists use spectrographs?

They analyze the spectrum of a star's light and the black lines in the spectrum indicate different elements in the stars atmosphere. The same process can be used on planets and moons.

What does krinein mean?

"Krinein" is a Greek word that means "to separate" or "to judge." It is used in various contexts, such as philosophy and medicine, to indicate the act of making a decision or distinguishing different elements.

Can you use an apostrophe instead of a comma?

No, an apostrophe is used to indicate possession or contraction, while a comma is used to separate elements in a sentence. They have different functions and cannot be used interchangeably.