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generally no, as a mound will cause odd bounces, and tee ball is usually a league for young beginners, however, if the only field available has a mound, then there is nothing stating you cant play on it

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Q: Is there a pitchers mound on tee ball field?
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What holds the ball for a football kicker?

Either a 'Tee' to hold the ball on 3 plastic fingers, or a human placeholder. The "Tee" is not allowed in kicking field goals and points after touchdowns.

How do you play tee ball?

Tee ball is played just like how you play tea ball and T ball and teen ball and tee bull and team fall and lean call and bean pall

What percent of Americans played tee ball as a kid?

There is no information on the Internet about the percentage of Americans that played tee ball as children. Tee ball is a sport based on base ball as an instruction for children.

Does a college kicker use a kicking tee for field goals?

A college kicker uses a one inch block (which has a flat surface and is just used to get the ball higher off the ground) to kick extra points and field goals, but the ball stila has to be held by another player. A kicker does use a tee for kickoffs.

How many times can you tee a ball up?

You may only tee the ball up when you are on the teeing area, hitting a tee shot. This is usually once per hole for each hole. However, if you hit a ball out of bounds you must hit another shot from where you hit the previous shot from, so you may tee the ball up. Also, if you hit a tee shot and can't find the ball you must go back to the tee and you can again tee it up.

What are the dimensions of a Tee-ball field?

50 ft between bases 38 ft from center of home plate to pitcher's rubber

What is inside of a tee-ball?

A tee-ball is made out of little to no cork, rubber, stitching, and many other materials.

What is inside of a tee ball?

A tee-ball is made out of little to no cork, rubber, stitching, and many other materials.

What sport uses a tee?

Golf! In golf, you use the tee, to set your ball on it, then you hit the ball with your selected club.

How far are the bases for tee ball?

Tee Ball USA says bases should be 50 feet apart

What sport begins with a t and is 5 letters?

This is a trick question. The answer is golf as it starts with a tee.