

Best Answer

A tee-ball is made out of little to no cork, rubber, stitching, and many other materials.

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Q: What is inside of a tee-ball?
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What is a fair ball in teeball?

In t-ball the ball has to be 2 ft. in front of the plate.

Smacks his drive off the first teeBall splits into two pieces?

You cancel that stroke, and play a new ball, no penalty.

Club penguin account non member?

teeball password tommy1 4give me if its banned cuz its super old(since 2000 i wiil Give an account but not a member but has alot of unlocked items email it for me but give 2 coin codes for it email me at

What always outdoor sports are their?

There is hundreds of outdoor sports; Netball, basketball (there is both indoor and outdoor Football. Soccor. European handball. Swimming. (both indoor and outdoor) Cricket. Baseball. Softball. Teeball. Athletics (running, longjump, high jump, discus, shotput.) Any Many Many more. Are you asking what outdoor sports are there? Your grammar is really bad.

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area is inside the shape/figure

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Length inside : 10034 mm width inside : 3345 mm height inside : 3024 mm

How do you build a paintball course?

you could use dirt or pieces of junk as shields. you can make the boundary with tin sheets or that tape that the police use around a crime scene. you can make the bases out of 2 teeball stands or cricket stumps so the flag isnt on the ground ( if you want to play capture the flag). Make sure there are lots of trees around. Make some spots mud by wetting the ground down. After a hard effort you could be playing a fun paintball game.

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inside in

What is the antonym of inside-out?

inside out